[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/56926019 w=640&h=480]
Pushing my kids in their double stroller down the streets of Clarendon at a whopping 205 pounds stopping to take a deep breath every couple of minutes while watching all the skinny moms on their morning run with their double strollers was the wake up call I needed. I was exhausted all the time. And I just didn’t feel like I did prior to having my children. I felt fat and heinous, old, ugly and angry. After seeing my doctor, I was diagnosed with a mild case of post-partum depression. My doctor said I had a choice. I could “choose to ‘pop several prescription pills to treat the weight loss and one more to treat the depression’ or I ‘could simply stop eating and restrict my caloric intake to 1200 calories’ or less per day”. Neither one of those options sounded good to me. I am not disciplined enough to give up something I love–food! And even though I realize legalized prescription drugs have helped many people, I just didn’t want that to be my only option. I didn’t have to remain sedentary, I could do something about it!
Having been previously fit and a size 6 throughout all of my 20’s and my 30’s, I was not about to be given just two choices to try to get my pre-pregnancy body back at age 40. I have always worked out and I had just given up on myself and I stopped! I made all sorts of excuses. I thought back to the years in my life when I belonged to one of the BEST gyms in the DC area: Sport and Health. There, I felt comfortable in my own skin–no matter how heavy I was, how ugly I felt and no matter how much I had to work out. Sport and Health felt like home to me. This is a gym that attracts people of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels–but that are very serious about their fitness. This is a gym where the staff greets you like your friends do, where like minded people go. It isn’t “meat market” like some of the other area gyms. Rejoining Sport and Health was the swift kick in the patooty that I needed to get “my sexy” back. I lost 50 pounds without even changing my diet. I hired a personal trainer and worked out four to five days a week only one hour a day.
I have 15 more pounds to go to fit into my 6 jeans. (Note: Stay tuned for my next fitness challenge beginning May 1st!) This is my story. Sport and Health made a huge difference! To get more information on Sport and Health and to receive a FREE 7 Day Pass, click here.
Dharmendra says
Hey Kristin,this is Patricia in California..I have already coemlpted three Crossfit classes so far and each class has kicked my butt.. !!Never thought I could hurt so bad.. but everyone there is supportive.. my knee is acting up, but I still do what I can.. it is sooo easy to give up.. but I am surprising myself by keeping up with it. the one thing I do need to change is keeping active in between classes!!congratulations on your success!! keep going..!!